Caylee Goes To Kairos

Trey Whitaker
3 min readNov 13, 2022


Written: 2015

Time is incredibly precious. We don’t think that when we’re on the cusp of turning 18 but it’s truly the case. These past 18 years have sped by. In just 10 short years, you’ll be on the verge of turning 30. By that time, you may already have children of your own. Time flies.

Time shouldn’t be wasted but cherished and you should seek to live the fullest of lives.

One of the most important gauges in measuring the fullness of your life will be in the impact you have. It’s tempting to stay in the shadows and out of the spotlight. It’s safer. There’s less risk. An example for you might be soccer.

On some days, you question your ability. You’re worried about making a misstep. You play conservatively and don’t risk making a mistake. You’re almost invisible and have no impact. You should always resist taking this road.

On other days, you’re bold, focused and take chances. You create opportunities and make an impact. Your team succeeds, your coach yells ‘Good stuff, CayWhit!’ and you feel like you’ve made a difference. Even when your effort is good but the result isn’t favorable on a particular play or day, your coaches and teammates see and appreciate your effort and desire. They know that you care and are inspired by your example. It’s far better to try and ‘fail’ then to not take the chance. This missteps are necessary to grow. They are how you learn.

At the end of the day, you need to be satisfied that you did everything you could do to make a difference. A difference in both your life and those around you.

In these few days at Kairos, you will have one such opportunity to make a difference in the life’s of others. You’ve already shown your willingness to make an impact by volunteering your time and creativity. It’s truly admirable that you’re taking part in this. Be bold and proud of who you are and share your wonderful qualities with everyone there.

When you were born, we only hoped that you were healthy. We couldn’t have imagined how extraordinary the next 18 years would be. What you’ve accomplished and who you are have exceeded any reasonable expectations. You are poised to accomplish wonderful things in your life.

As you prepare to head off to college and eventually to build a life of your own, we are both excited and a bit sad. Through your hard work and your amazing character, you have earned the right to continue to explore all that life can offer someone of your limitless abilities. Day-to-day, we’ll miss you dearly but will be excited that you’re enjoying many new adventures and broadening your circle of friends. It is exactly what we dreamed of for you when you were just a tiny nugget. Sometimes dreams do come true.

In the days ahead at Kairos, I hope that you seize the opportunity to shine. Show the world how truly amazing you are. Listen, learn, share, sing, laugh, cry and rejoice in all the wonders that these days and the years ahead may bring you.

We love you. Immensely.

Dad & Mom



Trey Whitaker

Former CrossFit gym owner, corporate manager, paratrooper, youth sports coach and jujitsu black belt. Now a trail steward at Haleakala National Park on Maui.